The euRobotics Topic Group “Robotics for Sustainability ” is inviting contributors to participate in the special issue article collection “Robotic Applications for a Sustainable Future” in Frontiers in Robotics and AI.

The focus of this Research Topic is on the application of robotics to sustainability and to clarify the role of robotic applications in solving sustainability challenges. This includes for example ongoing applications and case studies where robotic applications have successfully progressed and are making a difference. The goal of this Research Topic is to develop robotic applications, capture new and emerging robot theories, technologies and challenges, promote discussion of sustainability and environmental aspects, and to foster innovation and collaboration among all interested parties.

 Sustainability itself concerns three dimensions: the economic, social and the environmental. Integration of these dimensions is key to achieving sustainable development. There is, in general, widespread acceptance of why the integration of these three dimensions is necessary; but there are also many questions as to “how” this integration is to be achieved. This Research Topic aims to encourage such efforts/publications/works of integrating these (or at least two of the three) dimensions for sustainability.

Abstract Submission Deadline: 16 December 2022

Manuscript Submission Deadline: 16 February 2023

For more information, please visit the call webpage: