European Robotics League winners revealed in Tampere, Finland

Award winners in robot competitions held by the European Robotics League (ERL) were named on 14 March 2018, during ...

European Robotics League winners revealed next week

Award winners in robot competitions held by the European Robotics League (ERL) will be named next Wednesday, 14 ...

European Robotics League rivals cooperate in León

Leon, 7 March 2018 Discussions about the different characteristics of competing mobile manipulators and a ...

European Robotics League uses Edinburgh test bed for first time

Edinburgh, 7 March 2018 A recent robot competition was the first European Robotics League Service Robots ...

Smart Cities competition kicks off

Bristol, 13 February 2018 The European Robotics League (ERL) will reach our everyday lives with its new ...

Barcelona robot competition blog post and video launched

Barcelona, 12 December 2017 PAL Robotics has released a detailed blog post and ...

Robots compete in real-life conditions in Barcelona

Barcelona, 30 November 2017 HEARTS quote updated on 14 December 2017 The headquarters of the company PAL ...

Open-source arena simulator launched for ERL Service Robots

Teams competing in the European Robotics League Service Robots (ERL-SR) competition can now test their ideas for ...

The referees’ special awards ERL Emergency Robots 2017

The European Robotics League (ERL) announced the winners of ERL Emergency Robots 2017 major tournament, during the ...

Energy, enthusiasm and spirit of cooperation: Award winners of ERL Emergency Robots 2017 announced

The European Robotics League (ERL) announced the winners of ERL Emergency Robots 2017 major tournament, during the ...

#ERLEmergency2017 in Tweets

ERL Emergency Robots 2017 (#ERLemergency2017) major tournament in Piombino, Italy, gathered 130 participants from ...

Robots not smarter than humans for centuries, says robot expert Alan Winfield

It could be hundreds of years before robots become smarter than humans, according to leading robotics expert Alan ...