The AICoR Topic Group aims at linking the fields of Artificial Intelligence, Cognitive Systems, and Robotics. This group aims at realizing the enormous potential in linking these fields, both in terms of scientific progress and in terms of robotic applications, and it fosters means to strengthen this link. The goal of the TG is to organise the Robotics and AI community to create a better, more concise, and comprehensive vision of where AI is needed in embodied systems and use the joint expertise to provide the requested (by the EC) input to the SRIDA (Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda) and upcoming European Work Programs.


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Cognition provides a robot with the ability to understand its environment – even from partial knowledge – now and in the future, and to use this understanding for action. Cognition breaks free of the present in a way that allows the robot to act reliably and safely, to adapt, and to improve. Developments in the fields of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Cognitive Systems have produced methods and technologies that can be used, and have been used, to cognitively enrich many facets of robotics, including perception, planning, navigation, manipulation, and human-robot interaction. 

The group aims at: Organise the Robotics and AI community to create a better, more concise, and comprehensive vision of where AI is needed in embodied systems; Organise related events to bring the robotics AI community together, e.g., workshops at ERF and other conferences; Use the joint expertise to provide the requested (by the EC) input to the SRIDA (Strategic Research, Innovation and Deployment Agenda) and upcoming European Work Programmes; Organise on a regular basis seminars given by members of the TG to present more recent and highly relevant results from scientific community as well as AI and Robotics Innovation and Technology Transfer excellence cases; Keep AICoR members updated on what is going on within euRobotics and ADRA (AI, Data and Robotics Association), the body created with colleagues from AI, big data and robotics to communicate with the commission; Be a relay to give you updated information from EuroRobotics; Send your feedback to euRobotics; Promoting robotics and AI as helpers to European citizens and creating informative events to reach out to the wider public assisting to overcome fears in novel technology. 

Artificial Intelligence and Cognition in Robotics (AICoR) Topic Group Coordinators