We invite you to our next AICoR seminar on Monday, Jan. 15th, 10:00 CET.
Andrea Micheli (FBK, Italy) will introduce us to the latest developments from the AIPlan4EU project (https://www.aiplan4eu-project.eu/). See below the abstract and speaker bio.
Connection info:
Zoom: https://univ-tlse3-fr.zoom.us/j/93667211833?pwd=RmZNTWFEbElKVlhRYnVvdEh0MjN6Zz09
ID de réunion: 936 6721 1833 Code secret: 277320
Title: AIPlan4EU: Automated Planning for Practitioners
Seminar Abstract: Automated planning is a decision-making technology for deciding how and when to act to achieve a desired objective. Planning has many application areas needing automated and optimal decisions, such as robotics or logistics. Despite being a mature technology, several obstacles hinder its adoption: it is hard for practitioners to identify the right technique, there are no shared industrial standards, and planning expertise is hard to acquire. The just-concluded AIPlan4EU project developed several tools and methods to make automated planning more accessible for innovators and professionals throughout Europe. The project encompassed several use-cases in diverse domains, and created a framework for automated planning integrated in the European AI On-Demand Platform.
In this talk, I will describe and show the project results, most notably the Unified Planning library. Moreover, I will discuss how these results have been devised and designed and how they can be used and adapted in future projects and initiatives.
Speaker Bio: Andrea Micheli.
Andrea Micheli (https://andrea.micheli.website) is the head of the “Planning Scheduling and Optimization” research unit at Fondazione Bruno Kesser, Trento, Italy (https://dicenter.fbk.eu/research-units/pso). His research focuses on the development and technology transfer of automated planning technologies. He obtained his PhD in Computer Science from the University of Trento in 2016. His PhD thesis titled “Planning and Scheduling in Temporally Uncertain Domains” won several awards including the EurAI Best Dissertation Award and the honorable mention at the ICAPS Best Dissertation award. He currently works in the field of temporal planning and is the main developer of the TAMER planner (tamer.fbk.eu). He is also lead developer of the pysmt (https://www.pysmt.org) open-source project aiming at providing a standard Python API for satisfiability modulo theory solvers. Andrea coordinates the AIPlan4EU project (https://www.aiplan4eu-project.eu) aiming to remove the access barriers to automated planning technology and to bring such technology to the European AI On-Demand Platform. He authored more than 30 papers in the Formal Methods and Artificial Intelligence fields. Andrea recently won an ERC Starting Grant for researching novel solutions in the combination of temporal planning and reinforcement learning.