This year’s Topic Group (TG) Summit is now just days away. Following the format of last year’s introductory event, this year’s TG Summit will also be a virtual event hosted through a meeting platform with breakout groups, panel and plenary sessions. Register here.
The Summit is your opportunity to contribute to the direction of euRobotics and help to create the materials that feed the roadmap. An opportunity for you to come together and exchange ideas while working on common cross-cutting topics. In this way the TG Summit is designed to complement the more individual topic sessions that characterise ERF.
Each TG Summit has a different focus to bind the different activities together.
Last year was structured around different TG clusters and its work set the focus for the contribution euRobotics made to the 2023/24 Horizon Europe work programme.
This year will focus on exploring overarching strategic research and innovation goals for European robotics. It will also examine at how we should engage as a community with other closely-related technical areas and how we can share our vision and roadmap with them. The results of this activity will be used by the euRobotics Board of Directors in setting out a strategic agenda for European Robotics.
As last year, the Summit offers a mix of plenary and breakout sessions, some with external speakers and panels, others based on group work around specific cross-cutting topics.
There’s still time to register for the TG Summit 2022. We look forward to seeing everyone there!