The European Robotics League (ERL) announces the tournament dates for the new season 2017-2018. The ERL brings a common framework for two indoor robotics competitions, ERL Industrial Robots and ERL Service Robots and one outdoor robotics competition, ERL Emergency Robots. The three competitions are designed to target three clear objectives: the European societal challenge of an aging population, the strengthening of the European robotics industry and the use of autonomous systems for emergency response.
The ERL local and major tournaments are based in Europe and are open to international participation from Universities, Research labs, Industry and/or end-users.
There are eight tournaments already confirmed for this season 2017-2018 and new ones are expected to be confirmed in the next months.
ERL Service Robots
Major Tournament
- 28-31 August 2017: as part of the IEEE RO-MAN 2017 event held in Lisbon, Portugal
Local Tournament
- 26-30 June 2017: BRL Anchor Personalised Assisted Living Studio, Bristol Robotics Laboratory, Bristol, UK
- 11-15 September 2017: Leon@Home test bed, Universidad de Leon, Leon, Spain
- ERW 2017, November 2017: PAL Robotics, Barcelona, Spain.
- 4-7 December 2017: ECHORD++ RIF Peccioli test bed, Peccioli, Italy.
ERL Industrial Robots
Local Tournament
- 11-15 September 2017: b-it-bots@Work Test Bed, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science, Sankt Augustin, Germany
- ERW 2017, November 2017: Politecnico di Milano, Milan, Italy
ERL Emergency Robots
Major Tournament
- 15-23 September 2017: Piombino, Italy
The European Robotics League events are open to the public and anyone interested is welcome to contact the local organisers and attend as spectator.