TG Software Systems Engineering is currently looking to elect new coordinators from among the TG’s membership. The current team Christian Schlegel (Technische Hochschule Ulm, coordinator) and Arne Nordmann, (Neura Robotics GmbH, deputy coordinator) have come to the end of their existing term and are keen to hear from other members of the TG (no external candidates, please) who are willing to take on the coordinating role. Christian and Arne see this as an opportunity for a new generation to take responsibility for coordinating the TG. This is likely to become a common theme when other TGs hold their own elections to select new coordinators this year.
TG Software Systems Engineering has made this fresh call for candidates after none came forward when a previous call was made late last year. The Call process is simple. Candidates are asked to provide access to their CV via a recognised digital method (homepage, LinkedIn, PDF, etc) and to answer the question: ‘What’s important to me as TG-Software Systems Engineering coordinator / deputy coordinator?’ Jose Saenz will coordinate the election. Deadline for candidates is 31 January. The process to select the next coordination team should be completed by the end of March.
Last year Radhika Gudipati and Patrick Courtney from TG Laboratory Automation showcased their co-authored white paper at Living Labs live in Basel, Switzerland. The paper was very well received. Now it has been published by Wylie Analytical Science under the title Towards a research roadmap for laboratory robotics (English version). A German version is available separately.