Impact Magazine: Europe leads growing global robotics industry
Source: Impact Magazine
Author: –
Publishing date: 2018-03
Name of article: Europe leads growing global robotics industry (Interview with Reinhard Lafrenz, Secretary General of euRobotics)
PDF: Europe leads growing global robotics industry
Why is Robotics important?
Source: ONE – Only Natural Energy
Author: –
Publishing date: 2017-06-13
Name of article: Why is Robotics important?
PDF: Why is Robotics important?
Link to website:
EU se sprema za revoluciju robotike
Source: HINA
Author: Ivan Šaravanja
Publishing date: 2016-05-04
Name of article: EU se sprema za revoluciju robotike
Link to website:
“Robotics and Society” discussion at the French Parliament
Christophe Leroux has been invited to the French Parliament on Thursday 10th of December, to participate in a public audition about “Robotics and Society”. He has also been asked to contribute to a round table about “Robotics and Employment”, and to talk about the initiative undertaken at European level through euRobotics’ participation in RockEU and the SPARC PPP. The audition was filmed and made available on the Internet. The audience gathered some French scientists involved in robotics (Raja Chatila, Jean-Pierre Merlet) as well as some specialists (Alexei Grinbaum, physician from CEA, involved in ethics and science).
Watch the debate (click on the link)
Uwe Haass – Interview at Robonumerique 2015
Uwe Haass, Acting Secretary General of euRobotics gave an interview on the occasion of the second edition of Robonumérique, on 15 and 16 October 2015 at Saint-Quentin.
Video by MATÉLÉ
La voiture sans conducteur fait des progrès
Source: Euronews
Author: European Commission 2015
Publishing date: 2015-09-21
Name of article: La voiture sans conducteur fait des progrès
PDF: La voiture sans conducteur fait des progrès _ euronews, futuris
Link to website:
Europa, a la vanguardia de la robótica
Author: Irene Relda
Publishing date: 2014-09-16
Name of article: Europa, a la vanguardia de la robótica
PDF: – Europa, a la vanguardia de la robótica – Robótica y automática
Link to website:
The EU robotics market
Source: Lexology by the Association of Corporate Counsel
Author: Silvia Giampaolo
Publishing date: 2014-09-11
Name of article: The EU robotics market
PDF: ACC_The EU robotics market – Lexology
Link to website:
Robotics series – 4 Robots in everyday life
Source: ParisTech Review
Publishing date: 2014-09-05
Name of article: Robotics series – 4 Robots in everyday life
PDF: ParisTecg Review_Robotics series – 4 – Robots in everyday life
Link to website:
Euskadi contribuye a aumentar la cuota de Europa en el mercado mundial de la robótica
Source: eUROPA
Author: Joserra Blasco
Publishing date: 2014-09-04
Name of article: Euskadi contribuye a aumentar la cuota de Europa en el mercado mundial de la robótica
PDF: eUROPA – Euskadi contribuye a aumentar la cuota de Europa en el mercado mundial de la robótica
Link to website:
Dansk selskab ind i verdens største robotprogram
Publishing date: 2014-09-03
Name of article: Dansk selskab ind i verdens største robotprogram
PDF: Medwatch.dk_Dansk selskab ind i verdens største robotprogram
Link to website:
Mitteilungen der Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft 5/2014
Source: Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft
Publishing date: 2014-09-03
Name of article: Mitteilungen der Schweizer Informatik Gesellschaft 5/2014
Dansk deltagelse i Europas største civile robotprogram
Source: WelfareTech
Publishing date: 2014-09-02
Name of article: Dansk deltagelse i Europas største civile robotprogram
PDF: WelfareTech_Dansk deltagelse i Europas største civile robotprogram
Robot – Colleague and Friend
Source: Diplomatisches Magazin
Author: Manuela Fuchs
Publishing date: 2014-09-02
Name of article: Robot – Colleague and Friend
PDF: Diplomatisches Magazin_Robot-Collegue and Friend
Link to website:
Evropský průmysl mají zachránit roboti
Author: Tomáš Volf
Publishing date: 2014-08-14
Name of article: Evropský průmysl mají zachránit roboti
PDF: Novinky – Evropský prumysl mají zachránit roboti
Nachhaltige Produktion führt zu Wachstum in der Robotik
Source: MaschinenMarkt
Author: Reinhold Mannel / Reinhold Schäfer
Publishing date: 2014-08-11
Name of article: Nachhaltige Produktion führt zu Wachstum in der Robotik
Link to website:
2,8 Milliarden Euro zur Stärkung der Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik
Source: (Springer VDI Verlag)
Publishing date: 2014-08-08
Name of article: 2,8 Milliarden Euro zur Stärkung der Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik
PDF: Konstruktion online – 2,8 Milliarden Euro zur Stärkung der Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik
Link to website:[category_id]=107&data[article_id]=79862
Automatisches Parksystem für Elektroautos
Source: AutoTopNews
Author: amonet/hrr
Publishing date: 2014-08-08
Name of article: Automatisches Parksystem für Elektroautos
PDF: AutoTopNews – Automatisches Parksystem für Elektroautos
Link to website:
Recent Fundings
Source: The Robot Report
Author: Frank Tobe
Publishing date: 2014-08-06
Name of article: Recent Fundings
PDF: The Robot Report _ Recent Fundings -tracking the business of robotics
Link to website:
EU develops new driverless car parking system
Source: European Commission
Publishing date: 2014-07-31
Name of article: EU develops new driverless car parking system
PDF: ec.europa.eu_’EU develops new driverless car parking system’
Link to website:
Investment in the Robots of the Future
Source: Manufacturing-Ket, Plataforma Technológica
Author: Ann Marie Goossens
Publishing date: 2014-07-07
Name of article: Investment in the Robots of the Future
PDF: manufuture.de_Investment in the Robots of the Future
Link to website:
EU and UK map out robotics plans as big market looms
Source: Tech Times
Author: Mark Hawver
Publishing date: 2014-07-01
Name of article: EU and UK map out robotics plans as big market looms
PDF: Tech Times – EU and UK map out robotics plans as big market looms
Link to website:
SPARC on the radio
Date | Time | Station | Program | Duration |
2014-06-05 | 22:00 UTC | Deutsche Welle | Journal | 02:27 min |
2014-06-05 | 21:00 UTC | Deutsche Welle | Journal | 02:27 min |
2014-06-05 | 20:00 UTC | Deutsche Welle | Journal | 02:27 min |
2014-06-05 | 10:00 UTC | Deutsche Welle | Journal | 02:27 min |
2014-06-05 | 09:00 UTC | Deutsche Welle | Journal | 02:27 min |
2014-06-05 | 08:00 UTC | Deutsche Welle | Journal | 02:27 min |
2014-06-04 | — | Deutsche Welle | Journal | 01:41 min |
Date | Time | Station | Program | Duration |
2014-06-03 | 17:30 | SAT I | 17:30 | 02:20 min |
2014-06-03 | 17:00 | Bayrisches Fernsehen | Abendschau | 01:00 min |
2014-06-03 | 16:45 | Bayrisches Fernsehen | Rundschau | 01:00 min |
tbc | tbc | PRO7 | Galileo | Later this year |
n/a | n/a | N24 | n/a | tbc |
n/a | n/a | TVBS TV (Taiwan) | NEWS | Planned for July |
n/a | n/a | Asiavision (ABU) Asian Broadcasting Union | EVN News Exchange | tba |
n/a | n/a | Arabvision (ASBU) Arab States Broadcasting Union | EVN News Exchange | tba |
n/a | n/a | Afrovision (URTNA) African Broadcasting Union | EVN News Exchange | tba |
n/a | n/a | Eurovision/EBU + Sister Unions | EVN News Exchange | tba |
2,8 milliarder euro skal styrke EU’s førerposition inden for robotics
Source: elektronik online
Publishing date: 2014-06-20
Name of article: 2,8 milliarder euro skal styrke EU’s førerposition inden for robotics
PDF: elektronik online – 2,8 milliarder euro skal styrke EU’s førerposition inden for robotics
Link to website:
L’UE lance un fonds de 700 millions d’euros pour la robotique
Publishing date: 2014-06-20
Name of article: L’UE lance un fonds de 700 millions d’euros pour la robotique
PDF: Cap Digital- L UE lance un fonds de 700 millions d euros pour la robotique
Link to website:
EU Commission and EuRobotics Announce Largest Robotics Program and Funding
Source: The Hague Security Delta
Publishing date: 2014-06-17
Name of article: EU Commission and EuRobotics Announce Largest Robotics Program and Funding
Link to website:
EU looks to create 240,000 jobs through robotics
Publishing date: 2014-06-12
Name of article: EU looks to create 240,000 jobs through robotics
PDF: The Portugal News – EU looks to create 240,000 jobs through robotics
Die Menschmaschinen
Source: Spiegel
Author: Alexander Jung
Publishing date: 2014, No. 23
Name of article: Die Menschmaschinen
PDF: Automatica im Spiegel Nr. 23-2014
Link to website:
Els robots també poden crear ocupació
Publishing date: 2014-06-10
Name of article: Els robots també poden crear ocupació
PDF: Diari de Girona – Els robots també poden crear ocupació
Link to website:
European Commission and euRobotics AISBL Launch Robotics Research Program
Publishing date: 2014-06-10
Name of article: European Commission and euRobotics AISBL Launch Robotics Research Program
PDF: Kunststoffe – European Commission and euRobotics AISBL Launch Robotics Research Program
Link to
Sparc-Programm soll 240 000 neue Jobs schaffen – 2,8 Milliarden Euro für die Robotik-Entwicklung in Europa
Source: Automations Praxis
Publishing date: 2014-06-10
Name of article: Sparc-Programm soll 240 000 neue Jobs schaffen – 2,8 Milliarden Euro für die Robotik-Entwicklung in Europa
Link to website:
Automatica 2014 – Forschungsprogramm SPARC soll die Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik stärken
Author: Juliana Pfeiffer
Publishing date: 2014-06-10
Name of article: Forschungsprogramm SPARC soll die Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik stärken
PDF: Elektrotechnik – Forschungsprogramm SPARC soll die Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik stärken
Link to website:
Will massive robotics initiative create or kill jobs in Europe?
Author: David Weldon
Publishing date: 2014-06-10
Name of article: Will massive robotics initiative create or kill jobs in Europe?
PDF: FierceCIO – Will massive robotics initiative create or kill jobs in Europe
Link to website:
EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme
Source: Research Italy
Publishing date: 2014-06-09
Name of article: EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme
PDF: ResearchItaly – EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme
Link to website:
Automatica 2014 – Teilnehmerrekord in München
Source: Industriemagazin
Publishing date: 2014-06-09
Name of article: Automatica 2014 – Teilnehmerrekord in München – 34.500 Besucher aus über 100 Ländern; 731 Aussteller aus 42 Ländern
PDF: INDUSTRIEMAGAZIN – Teilnehmerrekord in München
Link to website:
ЕС ще инвестира €2,8 млрд. за разработване на роботи
Author: Markov Kmar
Publishing date: 2014-06-07
Name of article: ЕС ще инвестира €2,8 млрд. за разработване на роботи
PDF: – ЕС ще инвестира €2,8 млрд. за разработване на р
Link to website:ще-инвестира-€2,8-млрд-за-разработване-на-роботи-news43519.html
EU launches robotics program; to create 240,000 jobs
Publishing date: 2014-06-06
Name of article: EU launches robotics program; to create 240,000 jobs
PDF: ElectronicsOnline – EU launches robotics program to create 240,000 jobs
Programa europeu de investigação robótica vai criar 240 mil empregos
Author: Telma Alves
Publishing date: 2014-06-06
Name of article: Programa europeu de investigação robótica vai criar 240 mil empregos
PDF: JPN_ Programa europeu de investigação robótica vai criar 240 mil empregos
2,8 Mrd. Euro für die Robotik
Author: Inka Krischke
Publishing date: 2014-06-06
Name of article: 2,8 Mrd. Euro für die Robotik
PDF: Computer-automation -Forschungsprojekt 2,8 Mrd. Euro für die Robotik
EU fördert Robotik mit 700 Millionen Euro
Source: ICTkommunication
Publishing date: 2014-06-06
Name of article: EU fördert Robotik mit 700 Millionen Euro
PDF: ICTkommunikation – EU fördert Robotik mit 700 Millionen Euro
Link to website:
Final Report: Record Participation – AUTOMATICA Shows Production of Tomorrow
Author: Ivanka Stefanova-Achte
Publishing date: 2014-06-06
Name of article: Final Report: Record Participation – AUTOMATICA Shows Production of Tomorrow
PDF: Messe Munich – AUTOMATICA14_Final Report
Link to website:
Forschungsprogramm SPARC soll die Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik stärken
Author: Juliana Pfeiffer
Publishing date: 2014-06-06
Name of article: Forschungsprogramm SPARC soll die Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik stärken
Link to website:
Mensch und Roboter rücken enger zusammen
Author: Martin Ciupek
Publishing date: 2014-06-06
Name of article: Mensch und Roboter rücken enger zusammen
PDF: VDI-Nachrichten – Mensch und Roboter rücken enger zusammen
Link to website:
Slovenians Students Taking Part in Largest Robotics Initiative
Author: T. M. Sta
Publishing date: 2014-06-06
Name of article: Slovenians Students Taking Part in Largest Robotics Initiative
PDF: Slovenia Times – Slovenians Students Taking Part in Largest Robotics Initiative
Link to website:
EC Announces $3.8B Partnership in Robotics: SPARC
Author: Tom Green
Publishing date: 2014-06-05
Name of article: EC Announces $3.8B Partnership in Robotics: SPARC
PDF: Robotics Business Review – EC Announces $3.8B Partnership in Robotics SPARC
Link to website:
EU Launches $3.9 Billion Sparc Robotics Program
Source: The New Global Enterprise
Author: Pablo Valerio
Publishing date: 2014-06-05
Name of article: EU Launches $3.9 Billion Sparc Robotics Program
PDF: The New Global Enterprise_ EU Launches $3.9 Billion Sparc Robotics Program
Link to website:
EU launches €2.8bn robot innovation programme
Source: Institution of Mechanical Engineers
Author: PE
Publishing date: 2014-06-05
Name of article: EU launches €2.8bn robot innovation programme
PDF: Institution of Mechanical Engineers – EU launches €2.8bn robot innovation programme
Link to website:
Robotics research in Europe to receive over €2 billion from European Commission and public and private partners
Publishing date: 2014-06-05
Name of article: Robotics research in Europe to receive over €2 billion from European Commission and public and private partners
RoboThings, Awake!
Source: Sogeti trendlab VINT
Author: Jaap Bloem
Publishing date: 2014-06-05
Name of article: RoboThings, Awake!
PDF: VINT Sogeti_RoboThings, Awake!
UE lansează cel mai mare program de robotică civilă din lume
Source: Agenda Telecom
Publishing date: 2014-06-05
Name of article: UE lansează cel mai mare program de robotică civilă din lume
PDF: Agenda Telecom _ UE lansează cel mai mare program de robotică civilă din lume
Link to website:
Sparc-Programm soll 240 000 neue Jobs schaffen — EU fördert Robotik-Entwicklung in Europa
Source: Konradin Verlag:
Publishing date: 2014-06-05
Name of article: Sparc-Programm soll 240 000 neue Jobs schaffen — EU fördert Robotik-Entwicklung in Europa
Link to website:
Slovenians Students Taking Part in Largest Robotics Initiative
Author: STA
Publishing date: 2014-06-05
Name of article: Slovenians Students Taking Part in Largest Robotics Initiative
PDF: – Slovenians Students Taking Part in Largest Robotics Initiative
Europe’s €2.8bn robotics initiative is ‘world’s largest’
Source: Drivers & Controls
Publishing date: 2014-06-05
Name of article: Europe’s €2.8bn robotics initiative is ‘world’s largest’
PDF: Drives and Controls Magazine – Europe’s €2_8bn robotics initiative is ‘world’s largest
Link to website:
Robots with a soft touch at Munich’s Automatica
Author: Dan Hirschfeld
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: Robots with a soft touch at Munich’s Automatica
PDF: Deutsche Welle – Robots with a soft touch at munichs automatica
European Union Aims at Creating 240,000 Jobs Through Robotics
Author: Rahul R
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: European Union Aims at Creating 240,000 Jobs Through Robotics
PDF: Yahoo News UK – European Union Aims at Creating 240,000 Jobs Through Robotics
Link to website:
Get ready for Europe’s ROBO-BUTLERS: Billions of €€€s pledged to electro-slave dream
Author: Brid-Aine Parnell
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: Get ready for Europe’s ROBO-BUTLERS: Billions of €€€s pledged to electro-slave dream
PDF: The Register – Get ready for Europe’s ROBO-BUTLERS_ Billions of €€€s pledged to electro-slave dream
Link to website:
Roboter skal sikre europeiske arbeidsplasser
Author: Harald Brombach
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: Roboter skal sikre europeiske arbeidsplasser
PDF: IT-bransjens nettavis – Roboter skal sikre europeiske arbeidsplasser
Link to website:
EU launches ambitious civilian robotics program
Source: Finland Times
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: EU launches amitious civilian robotics program
PDF: Finland Times – EU launches ambitious civilian robotics program
Link to website:
Ein Milliarden-“Funke” für die Robotik
Source: FAZ
Author: hpa
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: Ein Milliarden-“Funke” für die Robotik
PDF: FAZ – Ein Milliarden-“Funke” für die Robotik
European Union Aims at Creating 240,000 Jobs Through Robotics
Author: R. Rahul
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: European Union Aims at Creating 240,000 Jobs Through Robotics
PDF: International Business Times – European Union Aims at Creating 240,000 Jobs Through Robotics
Link to website:
UE lança programa de robótica e espera criar 240 mil empregos
Author: João Pedro Pereira
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: UE lança programa de robótica e espera criar 240 mil empregos
PDF: PÚBLICO – UE lança programa de robótica e espera criar 240 mil empregos
Link to website:
EU Launches World’s Largest Civilian Robotics Programme – 240,000 New Jobs Expected
Source: eHealthNews
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: EU Launches World’s Largest Civilian Robotics Programme – 240,000 New Jobs Expected
PDF: eHealthNews – EU Launches World’s Largest Civilian Robotics Programme – 240.000 New Jobs Expected
SPARC : L’Europe mobilise 2,8 milliards € pour la robotique
Author: Alain Clapaud
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: SPARC : L’Europe mobilise 2,8 milliards € pour la robotique
PDF: 4ième Révolution- SPARC _ L’Europe mobilise 2,8 milliards € pour la robotique
Link to website:
UE lansează cel mai mare program de robotică civilă din lume
Source: Student FM
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: UE lansează cel mai mare program de robotică civilă din lume
PDF: Student FM – UE lansează cel mai mare program de robotică civilă din lume
EU launches ambitious civilian robotics program
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: EU launches ambitious civilian robotics program
PDF: Shanghai Daily – EU launches ambitious civilian robotics program
Link to website:
La UE invertirá 2.800 millones en robótica
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: La UE invertirá 2.800 millones en robótica
PDF: NetworkWorld – La UE invertirá 2.800 millones en robótica
Link to website:
L’UE lance un fonds de 700 millions d’euros pour la robotique
Author: Mathilde Hodouin
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: L’UE lance un fonds de 700 millions d’euros pour la robotique – 180 entreprises européennes complèteront ce fonds à hauteur de 2,1 milliards
PDF: FrenchWeb – L’UE lance un fonds de 700 millions d’euros pour la robotique
Link to website:
EU invests €2.8 billion in robotics to create new jobs
Author: Loek Essers
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU invests €2.8 billion in robotics to create new jobs
PDF: PCWorld – EU invests €2.8 billion in robotics to create new jobs
Link to website:
Robotique – 240.000 emplois en europe
Source: IT One
Author: Michaël Renotte
Publishing date: 2014-06-04
Name of article: Robotique – 240.000 emplois en europe
PDF:IT One – Robotique_ 240.000 emplois en europe
Link to website:
La UE scommette sui robot
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: La UE scommette sui robot
PDF: Polimerica Italy – La UE scommette sui robot
Link to website:
Unia Europejska stawia na robotykę
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Unia Europejska stawia na robotykę
PDF: WNP Poland – Unia Europejska stawia na robotykę
Link to website:
Europa steekt 2,8 miljard euro in robotonderzoek
Author: Jeroen Kraan
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Europa steekt 2,8 miljard euro in robotonderzoek
PDF: NU Nederlands – Europa steekt 2,8 miljard euro in robotonderzoek
Link to website:
Europe Launches Robotics Initiative
Author: VOA News
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Europe Launches Robotics Initiative
PDF: Voice of America – Europe Launches Robotics Initiative
Link to website:
Von Altenpfleger bis Gehhilfe – Automatica: So erobern Serviceroboter den Alltag
Author: dpa
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Von Altenpfleger bis Gehhilfe – Automatica: So erobern Serviceroboter den Alltag
PDF: Kreiszeitung Northern Germany DPA – Automatica So erobern
Link to website:
UE lansează cel mai mare program de robotică civilă din lume
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: UE lansează cel mai mare program de robotică civilă din lume
PDF: Romania TV _ RTV – UE lanseaza cel mai mare program
Link to website:
2,8 Mrd Euro zur Stärkung der Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: 2,8 Mrd Euro zur Stärkung der Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik
PDF: TECHNIK + EINKAUF – 2,8 Mrd Euro zur Stärkung der Führungsrolle Europas in der Robotik
Link to website:
Lighting a SPARC under our competitive economy
Author: noodls
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Speech – Lighting a SPARC under our competitive economy (European Commission)
PDF: WorldNews – Speech – Lighting a SPARC under our competitive economy (European Commission)
Link to website:
EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme: 240,000 new jobs expected
Author: EU Reporter Correspondent
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme: 240,000 new jobs expected
PDF: EU Reporter – EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme_ 240,000 new jobs expected
Link to website:
Ue dalla robotica 240 mila posti di lavoro. Al via il progetto SPARC
Author: Alessandra Talarico
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Ue dalla robotica 240 mila posti di lavoro. Al via il progetto SPARC
PDF: Key4biz Italy – Ue dalla robotica 240 mila posti di lavoro. Al via il progetto
Europe launches largest civilian robotics research program, worth $3.8BN
Author: David Meyer
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Europe launches largest civilian robotics research program,
worth $3.8BN
PDF: CNN Money- Europe launches largest civilian robotics research program, worth $3.8BN
Bruselas se alía con compañías para invertir 2.800 millones de euros en proyectos de investigación en robótica
Author: Europa Press
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Bruselas se alía con compañías para invertir 2.800 millones de euros en proyectos de investigación en robótica
EU fördert Roboter-Entwicklung mit 700 Millionen Euro
Source: FAZ Online
Author: dpa-AFX
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU fördert Roboter-Entwicklung mit 700 Millionen Euro
PDF: FAZ online – EU fördert Roboter-Entwicklung mit 700
Link to website:
EU-Komission startet weltweit größtes ziviles Robotik-Forschungsprogramm
Author: Susanne Nördinger
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU-Komission startet weltweit größtes ziviles Robotik-Forschungsprogramm
PDF: Produktion Germany – EU-Komission startet weltweit größtes ziviles
Link to website:
Rozvoj robotiky v Európe prinesie státisíce pracovných miest
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Rozvoj robotiky v Európe prinesie státisíce pracovných miest
PDF: SME Ekonomika Slovenskoje – Rozvoj robotiky v Európe prinesie státisíce pracovných miest
EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme – 240,000 new jobs expected
Author: Colin Lewis
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme – 240,000 new jobs expected
PDF: RobotEnomics – EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme – 240,000 new jobs expected
Link to website:
EU digital chief Neelie Kroes calls for deeper probe of robotics impact amid SPARC partnership launch
Author: Elizabeth Leigh
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU digital chief Neelie Kroes calls for deeper probe of robotics impact amid SPARC partnership launch
Link to website:
Duas entidades portuguesas no euRobotics
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Duas entidades portuguesas no euRobotics
PDF: Computerworld Portugal- Duas entidades portuguesas no euRobotics
Link to website:
Nieuwe banen door impuls robotonderzoek
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Nieuwe banen door impuls robotonderzoek
PDF: de Stentor Nederlands -Nieuwe banen door impuls robotonderzoek
Link to website:
Robotique : L’UE lance le plus grand programme au monde, 240.000 emplois à la clé
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Robotique: L’UE lance le plus grand programme au monde, 240.000 emplois à la clé
PDF: leconomiste – Robotique – L UE lance le plus grand programme au monde
EU fördert Roboter-Entwicklung mit 700 Millionen Euro
Author: awp international
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU fördert Roboter-Entwicklung mit 700 Millionen Euro
PDF: Finanzen Switzerland – EU fördert Roboter-Entwicklung mit 700 Millionen Euro
Link to website:
EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme
Source: Horizon2020 projects
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme
PDF: – EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme
Link to website:
EU fördert Roboter-Entwicklung mit 700 Millionen Euro
Author: dpa-AFX Wirtschaftsnachrichten GmbH
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU fördert Roboter-Entwicklung mit 700 Millionen Euro
PDF: Direktanlage Austria – EU fördert Roboter-Entwicklung mit 700 Millionen Euro
Link to website:
EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme – 240.000 new jobs expected
Source: Luxembourg Portal for Innovation and Research
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: EU launches world’s largest civilian robotics programme – 240.000 new jobs expected
SPARC – program partnerství pro robotiku v Evropě
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: SPARC – program partnerství pro robotiku v Evropě
PDF: AUTOMA – Odborné časopisy – SPARC – program partnerství pro robotiku v Evropě
Brüsszel a robotika kulcsszereplőjévé tenné Európát
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Brüsszel a robotika kulcsszereplőjévé tenné Európát
PDF: Metropol Hungary – Brüsszel a robotika kulcsszereplőjévé tenné
Link to website:
Robot makers warned over fears that automation will ‘steal jobs’
Author: Chris Bryant
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Robot makers warned over fears that automation will ‘steal jobs’
Header: Robot makers have been warned by Neelie Kroes, vice-president of the European Commission, that they must do more to reassure the public over concerns that a new wave of automation could take away their jobs. (Full text not available for free public dissemination according to the Financial Times copyright policy)
Link to website:
Europe is ploughing €2.8BN into robot workers
Author: Ben Sullivan
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Europe is ploughing €2.8BN into robot workers
Link to website:
La robotica UE dominerà il mercato globale grazie a SPARC
Source: Tom’s Hardware
Author: Dario D’Elia
Publishing date: 2014-09-03
Name of article: La robotica UE dominerà il mercato globale grazie a SPARC
PDF: Tom’s Hardware_La robotica UE dominerà il mercato globale grazie a SPARC
La UE lanza el mayor programa de robótica civil del mundo
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: La UE lanza el mayor programa de robótica civil del mundo
PDF: EL MUNDO – Economía – La UE lanza el mayor programa de robótica civil del mundo
Link to website:
Europe lavishes $3.8 billion on robotics research program
Author: Stephen Shankland
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: Europe lavishes $3.8 billion on robotics research program
PDF: CNet – Europe lavishes $3
European Union launches $4bn project to innovate in robotics
Author: Jack Schofield
Publishing date: 2014-06-03
Name of article: European Union launches $4bn project to innovate in robotics
PDF: ZDNet – European Union launches $4bn project to innovate in robotics
Link to website: