Sustainability is a hot topic – one that matters more than many others in an anxious world of finite resources, climate change, geo-political stress-points and demographic challenges. Here’s news of two webinars in quick succession on the theme of robotics and sustainability.
The two webinars will take place on 28th February and 7th March respectively.
Read on for more about each event.

The first takes place just as this newsletter is published, on 28th February . Organised by the UN ICT agency ITU and AI for Good, in conjunction with the euRobotics Topic Group on Sustainability, it poses the central question: what does it take for a robot to be sustainable? You can register here

The next webinar will be one of a series of five webinars about robotics and sustainability. It will take place this coming Tuesday 7th March. The organisers are hoping to see a strong presence from members of both euRobotics and CLAIRE for this event. The webinar is free but places have been limited to 30 online attendees, so you’ll need to be quick if you want to take part. You can find full details on the main registration page for the webinar.