About euRobotics
euRobotics aisbl (Association Internationale Sans But Lucratif) is a Brussels based international non-profit association for all stakeholders in European robotics. It was founded in September 2012 with the aim to strengthen Europe’s competitiveness and to ensure industrial leadership of manufacturers, providers and end-users of robotics technology-based systems and services.
The objectives of euRobotics are to boost European robotics research, development and innovation and to foster a positive perception of robotics. It aims at:
- strengthening competitiveness and ensuring industrial leadership of manufacturers, providers and end users of robotics technology-based systems and services;
- the widest and best uptake of robotics technologies and services for professional and private use;
- the excellence of the science base of European robotics.
euRobotics builds upon the success of the European Robotics Technology Platform (EUROP) and the academic network of EURON, leading towards the establishment of one sustainable organisation for the entire European robotics community. The association has been nurtured by the partners of euRobotics, a Coordination Action funded by the EC under FP7 which started in 2010 and ended in December 2012. Since 2014, euRobotics collaborates with the European Commission in the Public-Private Partnership SPARC under Horizon2020 to develop and implement a strategy and a road-map for research, technological development and innovation in robotics.
From 2014, euRobotics collaborated with the European Commission in the Public-Private Partnership SPARC under Horizon2020 to develop and implement a strategy and a road-map for research, technological development and innovation in robotics. SPARC’s term has now ended and a new partnership was created (ADRA – AI, Data and Robotics Association asbl) in May 2021, with euRobotics as a founding partner. Through ADRA, euRobotics will collaborate in the Horizon Europe programme (2021-2027).

euRobotics offers numerous benefits and activities for its members:
The euRobotics Topic Groups bring together the various international stakeholders on specific topics: they identify gaps and challenges, describe and identify desired solution paths and milestones and mobilise members and non-members to realise them and support their subsequent exploitation.
In addition to these continuous, year-round activities, euRobotics coordinates various events for its members and the wider robotics community throughout the year, such as the European Robotics Forum (ERF), the European Robotics Week (ERW) and the European Robotics League (ERL):
The ERF is certainly the most influential meeting of the robotics community in Europe. It is organised once a year in spring at one location in Europe (at least when Corona allows it, otherwise it takes place digitally). It includes many exciting presentations, discussions and exhibitions. The ERW, on the other hand, takes place in autumn all over Europe with the aim of bringing robotics more into the public eye. A Central Event provides a focal point for ERW – this normally takes place in a given location, but just as with ERF, it can be a virtual event when necessary. The ERL includes various robotic tournaments in the areas ‘Emergency’, ‘Consumer’, ‘Professional’ and ‘Smart Cities’.