In this MAR Release…
This version of the MAR relates to the Horizon 2020 robotics work programme defined for the 2017 call in ICT25, ICT 27 & ICT-28. It contains the following changes from the previous MAR release:
This section remains substantially unchanged from the ICT-2016 version except for the addition of a brief overview of ICT-25, ICT-27 & ICT-28.
Since there is no Domain priority specified in ICT-2016 & ICT-2017 all of the Domain sections remain as an illustration of the breadth of robotics application. Some minor updating has taken place to the lists of current projects.
Two additional sub-domain sections have been added; Construction Robotics, Laboratory Robotics.
Robot Categories
The Robot Categories section remains unchanged from the ICT-2016 version
The Ability section remains unchanged from the ICT-2016 version.
The technology section contains some additions to the Navigation section.
The Innovation section on Standards has been updated to reflect changes in standards since the 2015 MAR publication.
Adding to the MAR
The MAR is the result of community input, mostly from Topic Groups, and a transparent process to identify priorities. The MAR is updated at each Horizon 2020 Call. Readers are encouraged to engage with this process and to contribute their knowledge to the content of this document. It will then reflect and sustain a live discourse on the current state of robotics technology. This can be done by joining euRobotics and by contributing to the associated Topic Groups.
Download the MAR for Horizon 2020 Call ICT-2017 (ICT-25, ICT-27 & ICT-28)