Download the MAR for call ICT-24 (300 pages, 4 MB).

This version of the MAR relates to the ICT-24 (2015) call. It contains the following additions:


The sections relating to the prioritised domains used in ICT-23 are retained as they are still relevant for the Innovation Action calls within ICT-24. Three new domain sections are added to cover the three prioritised domains in ICT-24, these are:

• Healthcare

• Logistics and Transport

• Consumer

It should also be noted that the Assisted Living topics are included in “Consumer”, not in “Healthcare”.

Robot Categories

The Strategic Research Agenda contains a section on Robot Categories. This is now elaborated in this MAR for the first time with additional sections relating to specific robot operating environments. These sections gather cross domain requirements for each environment and detail information specific to the markets and technical requirements in those environments. This new section covers:

• Marine

• Aerial

• Ground


Some of the abilities have been extended with new sets of levels. In particular the following have been extended:

• Adaptability

• Manipulation Ability

• Interaction Ability

Adaptability levels have been extended to cover a wider range of different types of adaptability. Manipulation has been extended to separate the different aspects of the manipulation process and Interaction has been significantly extended with a new section of three Social Interaction Abilities.

Standardisation and Benchmarking

A new section has been added that details standards but more crucially overviews what is important and what is needed in order to support both the process of standardisation and the development of useful benchmarks. As well as the above additions other sections have been updated, notably the System Development and Cognition sections under “Technology”.

The MAR is the result of community input, mostly from Topic Groups, and a transparent process to identify priorities. The MAR is updated in line with the Calls of the Commission under SPARC. Readers are encouraged to engage with this process and to contribute their knowledge to the content of this document. It will then reflect and sustain a live discourse on the current state of robotics technology. This can be done by joining euRobotics and by contributing to the associated Topic Groups.