Miniaturised robotics works on small-scale robotic technologies and manipulation of micro- and nanoscale objects. Different from many conventional robotic systems, miniaturised robotic systems utilize a variety of physical interaction principles that extend beyond traditional physical contact methods. These principles involve intricate engineering of surface forces, and design and control of diverse energy fields, including acoustic, electrical, magnetic, optical fields, and more. The applications of miniaturised robotics span from industrial assembly and microproduct integration to precision healthcare interventions such as targeted drug delivery, biopsies, and microsurgery.


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Miniaturised robotics focused on the development and application of small-scale robotic technologies, including systems capable of manipulating objects at micro- and nanoscales, and robots that range in size from millimeters down to micrometers and further. The Topic Group (TG) on Miniaturised Robotics investigates a wide spectrum of technologies pertinent to these robotics, such as actuation – the process of transforming energy into motion, manipulation – handling and interacting with small objects, locomotion – self-propelled movement, perception – the capability to sense and interpret the surroundings, and automation and control – the semi-autonomous or independent operation of these systems.

Distinct from many conventional robotic systems, miniaturised robotic systems utilize a variety of physical interaction principles that extend beyond traditional physical contact methods. These principles involve intricate engineering of surface forces, and design and control of diverse energy fields, including acoustic, electrical, magnetic, optical fields, and more.

The applications of miniaturised robotics are broad, encompassing several domains. In industry, miniaturised robotics contribute significantly to the assembly and integration of micro products, as well as the characterization of materials and surfaces at micro and nanoscale levels. In healthcare and biomedical sectors, miniaturised robotics are vital tools for precision medical interventions, such as targeted drug delivery, biopsies, therapeutic applications, cancer treatments, and microsurgery.

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