23-24 September 2015, the Netherlands – The euRobotics Topic Group Maintenance & Inspection is organising a meeting at the Shell Technology Centre, Amsterdam.

Registration: Limited seats available, attendance has to be confirmed.
Contact: info@inspection-robotics.com

Objectives of the meeting:

  • Prepare for the upcoming H2020 calls
  • End-users perspective from Oil & Gas, Power Generation and Chemical Industry on the priorities for Maintenance and Inspection Robotics
  • Company & Technology Presentations. Poster presentation and 10 minutes presentation. Apply for a poster and presentation*
  • How to write a successful Proposal: Precise and concrete requirements for proposals
  • Description of the calls
  • Hands on guidance to create successful proposals from experienced professionals plus how to create proposals

*To apply for a presentation and poster please contact the topic group coordinators:info@inspection-robotics.com

Download the euRobotics topic groups meeting invitation
Download the euRobotics topic group meeting programme

The event is run in conjunction with SPRINT robotics seminar – Global Outlook on Maintenance & Inspection Robotics, on 23rd of September, Shell Technology Centre, Amsterdam – The Netherlands.

5 Key Note Speakers from 5 different Continents will share their view on solutions they are looking for and current state of the art. Also a scientific perspective will be given on the use of Robotics in the Maintenance & Inspection industry.

This free seminar is offered by SPRINT Robotics Collaborative.

Download the SPRINT robotics seminar programme

Registration: info@sprintrobotics.org
Website: www.sprintrobotics.org