Hosted by Antal Bejczy Center for Intelligent Robotics at Óbuda University in Budapest, all Topic Groups of euRobotics AISBL will meet on 8 and 9 September 2014 to prepare the next steps of SPARC, the Robotics programme in partnership with the European Commission.

All members of euRobotics AISBL have the chance to participate in this process. This is to inform about the next steps in SPARC: work to be done, deadlines, and dates for meetings.

Between now and January 2015 the Orientation Document and the Work Programme input for Call 3 & 4 need to be developed and finalised.

Furthermore, the MAR for H2020-ICT-2015 ICT24a-e (Call 2) will need to be finalised and delivered in time for the start of Call 2.

The current list of Topic Groups can be found here.

Time Table:

Sep 8thMeeting rooms made available for Topic Group Meetings during the afternoon. (Can be booked   through euRobotics Office). Opportunity for Topic Groups to meet and discuss the MAR for Call 2 and the Work Programme and Orientation for Call 3&4.
Sep 9thTopic Group meeting open to all Topic Group members.This meeting will have the following objectives:
a) To review the Orientation Document and gain approval for its content
b) To review the MAR for H2020-ICT-2015 ICT24a-e (Call 2)
c) To identify initial priorities for the Call 3&4 Work Programme
d) To detail the funding mechanisms for Call 3&4.
Sep 10thThe Board of Directors of euRobotics will be asked to approve the Orientation Document and to review the outcome of the Topic Group meeting and priority selections.

Budapest Topic Group Coordinator Guide Lines

There are three separate tasks that need to be addressed during the Workshop and meetings in Budapest.

  1. The submissions from Topic groups to the ICT2015-24 MAR (Call 2) need to be reviewed and completed.
  2. The orientation document needs to be reviewed and commented on with respect to the content and high level priorities it contains.
  3. Candidates for detailed prioritisation in the Call 3&4 work-programmes need to be identified and discussed.

It is in the interests of all topic groups to attend this meeting. This will be the main opportunity to set the direction for Call 3 & 4. The process after this point will be short and condensed as we must have an approved work programme submission by January.

The meetings you organise on September 8th will give you the chance to review and consider each of the above prior the main workshop on the 9th. I will be available to attend any TG meetings on the 8th from 14:00 onwards.

Call 2 MAR

All Topic Groups should have now reviewed their submissions for the Call 2 MAR.

In particular Technology TGs need to ensure that the MAR is up to date. (The Domain TGs that do not have a focus in Call 2 should still consider reviewing their content).

The Budapest meeting is the last chance to make a revised submission to the Call 2 MAR.

Call 3&4 Orientation

The first draft of the Orientation will be sent to the Commission by 1st September. We expect to have some feedback on this by the 9th. The Draft will be circulated prior to the 8th to all TG Coordinators.

The content of the Orientation will be reviewed during the workshop on the 9th.

Work-programme Priorities for Call 3&4

This will be the starting point for the document that is submitted to the commission for the work programme for Call 3&4. The Commission writes the work programme based on this document. In particular the priorities detailed in the document should be reflected in the final work programme.

The main task on the 9th is to identify candidates for priorities within the work-programme that also fit within the context set by the Orientation document.

Subsequently the membership of euRobotics will be asked to approve the priorities selected.