CREX and SHERPA are a team of two robots designed for the exploration of remote areas on planetary surfaces.
SHERPA is a wheeled rover with an actuated suspension system. It moves efficiently over large distances, can adapt to various terrains and thus overcome large obstacles. SHERPA is equipped with a multipurpose manipulator.
CREX (CRater EXplorer) is a six-legged walking robot designed as a scouting system able to climb over steep terrain, for example to explore the inner of deep lunar polar craters in search for water ice or other volatile substances.
CREX and SHERPA form a team, where SHERPA carries CREX over long distances and CREX explores the areas inaccessible to SHERPA.
Video: “RIMRES: SHERPA and CREX” on YouTube
Acknowledgements and Contact:
Dr. Thomas Vögele, Senior Researcher & Head of International Business Development
DFKI Robotics Innovation Center Bremen
Robert-Hooke-Straße 1
28359 Bremen
Phone: +49 421 178 45-4130