Can you write a beautiful scientific poem about Robots? euRobotics is seeking great poets aged 8 – 16 years to become wondrous wordsmiths and enter our first euRobotics Poetry competition this November.
Who can enter?
The competition is open to children throughout Europe, aged 16 or under and will be judged in two age categories:
• Age 8 – 11
• Age 12 – 16
You can send in your poem yourself (with your parent / guardian’s consent) or through your school or youth club. Please make sure your entry form has contact details from a parent/ guardian or teacher on it.
What do you need to know about this euRobotics Children’s Poetry Competition 2023?
• Your entry must be an original poetry created by yourself
• The poem must be on the topic ‘Robotics/ Robots’
• Your poem must be typed in English and facultative in your own native language
• This contest is open to children aged 8-16
• You can enter one poem into this competition
• This contest is open to children throughout Europe
What can I win?
The winning poet and two runners up from each age category will:
• Get the opportunity to perform their poem during the Central Opening event of the European Robotics Week
• See their poem published in the euRobotics newsletter on the euRobotics website and via the euRobotics social media channels
• Receive a trophy and a gift
Who are the judges?
– Steve Doswell is chair of the Chartered Institute of Linguists. Linguists work with languages. He recently wrote a short story about learning a language and is now writing a book about running around Europe. Steve writes robotics related stuff for euRobotics.
– Paolo Barattini works in robotics on topics such as safety, how robots interact with people and how robots can best be designed. He is research director at a company called Kontor 46 that helps engineers and scientists with questions on robotics.
– Edwin Dertien is a researcher, teacher, artist, musician and calls himself “Jack-of-all-trades’ on robotics.
What else do I need to know?
• You can help spread the word about the competition by displaying the competition flyer in your school or youth club, or on social media
• All poems (if judged suitable) will be published during time via our social media channels)
Any questions?
If you have any questions about the Robotics Poetry competition, please do not hesitate to contact us at
Send us your work by 1 November, 2023 via the ‘Robotics Poetry Contest Form’