The ERL-IR tournament stems from its predecessor, the RoCKIn@Work competition, and focuses on the domain of industrial robotics in the Factory of the Future and also deals with modern automation issues.
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The European Robotic League (ERL) is an innovative concept for robot competitions. The ERL is composed of multiple Local Tournaments, held in different research labs across Europe, with certified test beds, and a few competitions as part of Major Tournaments, such as RoboCup. Teams participate in a minimum of 2 tournaments (Local and/or Major) per year and get scores based on their performances. A final end of year score is computed for each team, per Task Benchmark (TBM) and Functionality Benchmark (FBM), using the best two participation in tournaments, and teams are ranked based on their final score. Prizes for the top teams (per TBM and FBM where they have participated) are awarded during the next year’s European Robotics Forum (ERF).
The ERL-IR tournament stems from its predecessor, the RoCKIn@Work competition, and focuses on the domain of industrial robotics in the Factory of the Future and also deals with modern automation issues.
The ERL Industrial Robots competition is lead by the University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg and includes three partners:
- KUKA Roboter GmbH (Germany)
- Politecnico di Milano (Italy)
- University of Applied Sciences Bonn-Rhein-Sieg (Germany)
Local competitions are organised by different universities, institutions and research centres around Europe in collaboration with ERL Industrial Robots partners.
See Tournaments and Certified Test Beds for more information on local organisers.
smARTLab@Work Universiy of Liverpool, Great Britain
LUHBots Leibniz Universität Hannover, Germany (www.luhbots.de)
b-it-bots Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University, Germany (www.b-it-bots.de)
Robo-Erectus Singapore Polytechnic, Singapore (www.robo-erectus.org)
SPQR@Work Sapienza University of Rome, Italy (www.dis.uniroma1.it/~labrococo/SPQRWork/)
AutonOHM TH Nürnberg, Germany (www.autonohm.de)
robOTTO Otto von Guericke University Magdeburg, Germany (www.robotto.ovgu.de)
WF Wolves Ostfalia University of Applied Sciences, Germany (robocup.fh-wolfenbuettel.de)
Certified Test Beds
ERL Industrial Robots has one certified test bed where teams can test some Tasks and Functionality Benchmarks.
ISRoboNet@Home Test Bed
Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Science, Sankt Augustin, Germany
The b-it-bots@Work test bed main function is for research and development projects in the domain of mobile manipulation tasks intended for flexible manufacturing, modular production processes and smart factory environments. The testbed is modular and flexible which enables it to be used in different configuration. The testbed has been used for different events and workshops including the RoboCup@Work and the RoCKIn@Work competition.
To further simulate the industrial production environment, the testbed is filled with mechanical parts and industrial objects such as bolt, nuts, screw, motor and containers.
Current list of ERL Industrial Robots TBMs and FBMs for which the test bed is certified:
More information can be found on b-it-bots@Work Test Bed Certification form.
Gerhard K. Kraetzschmar – gerhard.kraetzschmar@h-brs.de