ERL Consumer is a competition that aims at bringing together the benefits of scientific benchmarking with the attraction of scientific competitions in the field of consumer service robotics.
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ERL Consumer Service Robots

The objectives are to bolster research in consumer service robotics for home applications, and to raise public awareness of the current and future capabilities of such robot systems to meet societal challenges like healthy ageing and longer independent living. Currently, ERL Consumer raises challenges in domestic environments that resemble similar challenges to be posed in smart city environments (e.g. shopping malls), such as recognising and picking objects, moving outside the home to populated areas, and/or taking elevators between doors. ERL Consumer local tournaments aim to prepare teams for the ERL Smart City Challenges.
The ERL Consumer Service Robots Challenge from its predecessors, the RoCKIn@Home and ERL Service Robots, and focuses on the domain of consumer service robotics for home applications.
SciRoc H2020 ( February 2018 – 2022)
The ERL Consumer Service Robots competition is lead by the Association of Instituto Superior Técnico for Research and Development (IST-ID) and includes three partners:
Sapienza University (Italy)
University of the West of England, Bristol (UWE Bristol) (UK)
- Association of Instituto Superior Técnico for Research and Development (IST-ID) (Portugal)
Local competitions are organised by different universities, institutions and research centres around Europe with the support of ERL Consumer Service Robots partners.
See Tournaments and Certified Test Beds for more information on local organisers.
RockEU2 H2020 (January 2016 – 2018)
The ERL Consumer Service Robots competition was lead by the Association of Instituto Superior Técnico for Research and Development (IST-ID) and included three partners:
b-it-bots@Home, Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany
BahiaRT@Home, State University of Bahia, Brazil
BARC, University of Birmingham, United Kingdom
CIT brains, Chiba Institute of Technology, Japan
CPE Lyon Robot Forum, CPE Lyon, France
demura.net, Kanazawa Institute of Technology, Japan
eR@sers, Tamagawa University, NICT, Japan
Golem, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
HEARTS, Bristol Robotics Laboratory, United Kingdom
homer@UniKoblenz, University of Koblenz, Germany
IRI@ERL, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
KameRider, UT (Japan), NKU (China), UTM (Malaysia), SIT (Japan)
LeonRobot, U. Leon + U. Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Machinilog, Bahria University, Islamabad, Pakistan
Markovito, INAOE, Mexico
Outsiders, from the University of Luxembourg and Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, Spain
Pumas, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico
RoboFEI@Home, Centro Universitário FEI, Brazil
Skuba, Kasetsart University, Thailand
SocRob@Home, Institute for Systems and Robotics, IST, U. Lisbon, Portugal
Tech United Eindhoven, Eindhoven University of Technology, The Netherlands
Tinker@Home, Tsinghua University, China
ToBI, Bielefeld University, Germany
UC3M, Carlos III University, Madrid, Spain
Walking Machine, École de technologie supérieure, Université du Québec, Canada
WrightEagle@Home, University of Science and Technology of China, China
Certified Test Beds
ERL Consumer Service Robots has seven certified test beds around Europe where teams can test some Tasks and Functionality Benchmarks:
ISRoboNet@Home Test Bed
Institute for Systems and Robotics at Instituto Superior Técnico, U. Lisboa, Portugal
The ISRoboNet@Home test bed consists of a networked robot system composed of 10 IP (cabled-networked) cameras, wirelessly networked with several mobile robots, and an apartment which includes several home automation devices.
Current list of ERL Consumer Service Robots TBMs and FBMs for which the test bed is certified:
More information can be found on ISRoboNet@Home Test Bed Certification document.
Pedro U. Lima – pal@isr.tecnico.ulisboa.pt
ECHORD++’s RIF @Peccioli
Peccioli RIF facility is a real apartment suitable for some ERL-SR TBMs and FBMs. The walls are solid walls (not movable) and the apartment includes one main entrance door, some doors to access the rooms and several open spaces. The apartment contains typical furniture, such as tables, chairs, sofa, bookshelves, beds, kitchen furniture and kitchenware, plants, a TV set etc. A technical room is also present. In this room some PCs and monitors are available to monitor and guide the benchmarks. A wireless network is also available in the apartment. Portable devices can be added, including a Motion Capture system mounted on stands.
Current list of ERL Consumer Service Robots TBMs and FBMs for which the test bed is certified:
More information can be found on ECHORD++’s RIF @Peccioli Test Bed Certification document.
Filippo Cavallo – f.cavallo@santannapisa.it
Annagiulia Morachioli – a.morachioli@santannapisa.it
Leon@Home Test Bed
The Leon@Home test bed main purpose is to benchmark service robots in a realistic home environment. The experimental area of the ULE robotics group is made up by four parts: a mock-up Apartment, a Control zone with direct vision through a glass wall to the apartment, a small Workshop and a larger Development zone where researchers work.
Current list of ERL Consumer Service Robots TBMs and FBMs for which the test bed is certified:
More information can be found on Leon@Home Test Bed Certification document.
Vicente Matellán – vicente.matellan@unileon.es
BRL Anchor Personalised Assisted Living Studio
The Anchor Personalised Assisted Living (ARPAL) Studio in the BRL offers facilities for research into innovative person-centred assistive robotics technologies to enable independent living and active ageing within a “Living Lab” testing environment.
The studio has been developed as a typical apartment to provide realistic conditions to pursue vital research on the design and development of assistive robotics that can be deployed in people’s homes. Providing a multi-disciplinary working environment with access to teams of health care experts and end-users, it provides robotics researchers an opportunity to validate of concepts and trialling of users’ actual experience of technology.
The facility has been constructed to standardised specifications, a v-rep model of the studio is also available.
Current list of ERL Consumer Service Robots TBMs and FBMs for which the test bed is certified:
More information can be found on BRL Anchor Personalised Assisted Living Studio Test Bed Certification document.
Praminda Caleb-Solly – praminda.caleb-solly@uwe.ac.uk
PAL Robotics Assisted House
The PAL Robotics Assisted House consists of the environment in which the competition will happen. The house has been developed as a typical apartment to provide realistic conditions to develop assistive robotics.
The facility has been constructed basing on the ERL Consumer Service Robots rulebook.
Current list of ERL Consumer Service Robots TBMs and FBMs for which the test bed is certified:
More information can be found on PAL Robotics Assisted House Test certification document
Jordi Pages – erl@pal-robotics.com
Heriot-Watt@Home Test Bed
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, UK
The Heriot-Watt@Home ERL Test Bed is composed of:
- Rooms (accessible to the robot): inside hall (with coat-rack); large (8m x 3.825m) open-plan space with kitchen (worktop and two chairs, kitchen cabinet with multiple drawers and sink, three wall-mounted shelves), dining area (wooden table and four chairs) and sitting area (large window, couch, sofa, armchair, coffee table, TV table and large floor lamp); 3.78m x 3.14m bedroom (window, double bed, two side tables, two table lamps and large wardrobe with mirror); and a 2.7m x 3.14m bathroom.
- Spatial areas (inaccessible to the robot): outside hallway; and directors’ room (with workstation, control monitors and smart home gateways).
- Well-levelled floor, uniform all over the testbed, but including rugs.
- Dry walls, 2.4m high.
Current list of ERL Consumer Service Robots TBMs and FBMs for which the test bed is certified:
More information can be found on Heriot-Watt@Home Test Bed Certification document.
Mauro Dragone – m.dragone@hw.ac.uk
IDEAAL Living Lab

Current list of ERL Consumer Service Robots TBMs and FBMs for which the test bed is certified:
More information can be found on IDEAAL Living Lab Test Bed Certification document.
Max Pfingsthorn – max.pfingsthorn@offis.de
Frerk Müller-von Aschwege – frerk.mueller-von.Aschwege@offis.de
Cobot Maker Space Living Space
The Cobot Maker Space Living Space facility is set up to mimic an open-plan style living space, with home-automation devices and a camera system + software able to perform object detection and pose estimation based on fiducial marker detection from multiple cameras.
Current list of ERL Consumer Service Robots TBMs and FBMs for which the test bed is certified:
More information can be found on Cobot Living Space Test Bed Certification document.
Dominic Price – dominic.price@nottingham.ac.uk