You came, you saw, you engaged. By any previous measure, the 2023 European Robotics Forum was a stunning success. A small army of people can take pride and satisfaction from this, from the Programme Committee and workshop presenters via the sponsors and exhibitors, to the catering and events team at the Odeon conference centre in Odense, without forgetting the students who took care of registration, cloakroom and visitor welcome duties. But major credit goes to the double act who more than anyone else were responsible for making ERF 2023 happen.  

Morten Berenth Nielsen and Christian Schlette presided over the delivery of ERF 2023 and had been doing so for the weeks, months and indeed years beforehand since they first had the vision to bring ERF back to Denmark. ERF 2023 produced a wealth of material – so much, in fact, that there hasn’t been time to process it all. So in the following newsletters we shall bring you many highlights. For now, though, as the European robotics community heads into the Easter break, we offer you a library of scenes, images and moments from Odense. Welcome to the ERF 2023 Photo Galleries – look, enjoy and remember (if you were there)!