Free registration for Members paid-up for 2022 

ERF 2023 is ready for business! Registrations are open and the first delegates have already reserved their places at next year’s showcase event for the European robotics community. And Members who are eligible and who have paid their invoices for 2022 receive free registration.  

It will be 11 years since ERF last visited Odense, around the time that euRobotics itself was being created. Then and now, Odense is a leading hub for robotics and has been through a huge transformation since the previous ERF in this southern Danish city of over 200,000 people.  

ERF delegates will quickly come to sense the major presence and influence of the hub’s leading players, with key inputs from SDU, Odense Robotics, the Danish Technological Institute, the Maersk Institute and other major contributors. The hub represents a powerful public/private alliance, with university research and a cluster of companies, supported by the local government Odense Municipality, turning research into business. In short, it’s a community with a common interest in robotics – and a very successful one.  

So it’s no surprise that next year’s flagship event for the European robotics community will be delivered under the chosen theme: ‘Odense revisited – how to build a community for commercial success’. Everything you need to know about ERF 2023 is available on the ERF event website at Many of the sponsor and exhibition packages have been snapped up already. For remaining opportunities see the website for pricing and benefits.  

It pays to be quick – and that also applies to registering as a delegate. December is earlybird month, when those euRobotics Members who qualify for a free link (they will also need to have paid their 2022 membership in full) can register to enjoy the whole of ERF at no cost while others can register with a generous discount. From 1 January higher rates will apply. Full details appear on the Registration page on the ERF 2023 website

Details about the programme, the venue, the host city, travel and accommodation are all in one place – just visit the ERF 2023 website