Start-ups are a massive source of growth and innovation, providing novel solutions to societal problems and generating wealth. A small number of start-ups will grow into the tech or automobile giants of the future, becoming worldwide powerhouses in their own right. Ensuring that these future great global companies are European is an important reason to support the European entrepreneurship efforts in robotics today.


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In TG Entrepreneurship we promote and support entrepreneurship in robotics. The TG is responsible for organising the yearly ERF Entrepreneurship Award and for the webinar series ‘Ask-Me-Anything’, where robotic entrepreneurs share inspirational stories and insights.

The TG is actively looking for new ideas and initiatives to promote the entrepreneurship agenda both politically and in the community, and to encourage and assist current and future robotic entrepreneurs in becoming successful.

Entrepreneurs and potential entrepreneurs alike are encouraged to reach out and/or join the group to access the pan-European robotic entrepreneurship network and all the informal – but perhaps very useful – information accumulated collectively in the group. The TG Entrepreneurship is also currently offering the possibility of becoming the TG coordinator.

Entrepreneurship Topic Group Coordinators