
euRobotics is participating in IROS2015: Visit our booth!

29 September 2015, Hamburg, Germany – euRobotics AISBL is participating in the 2015 IEEE/RSJ International ...

euRobotics is at Innorobo, 1-3 July, Lyon

euRobotics is sharing a common pavilion with the European projects: ECHORD++, Mobot, RockIn, the Shadow Robot ...

Make your voice heard – fill in the euRobotics surveys

euRobotics is growing and is in a transition phase. We are assessing our activities and the way we communicate ...

Brokerage Event Registration and GA – Brussels Expo, 9th December

The main aim of the Brokerage Event on 9 Dec 2014 was to bring together stakeholders from the robotics field to ...

Mars rovers from all around the world compete in Poland

European Rover Challenge 2014 The European Rover Challenge, or ERC, is an international competition organized ...

Interesting article on the Austrian Newspaper Der Standard, featuring euRobotics AISBL members

Interesting article with the 3 main reasons to use robotics, featuring euRobotics AISBL ...

Die erste European Robotics Week: Robotik zum Anfassen

Brüssel / Frankfurt, den 7. Dezember 2011 - Vom 28. November bis zum 4. Dezember fand die erste Europäische Woche ...