
CLAIRE and euRobotics agree new joint approach to research and innovation

At a hybrid ceremony last month, euRobotics and CLAIRE, the European AI research confederation, signed a ...

AI and Robotics: CLAIRE and euRobotics agree new joint approach to research and innovation

CLAIRE and euRobotics recognise their shared interest to support each other's activities and to develop and ...

Introducing Adra

By now, most euRobotics members will know something about Adra - the AI, Data and Robotics ...

Release of the Strategic Research Innovation and Deployment Agenda for the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership

BDVA, CLAIRE, ELLIS, EurAI and euRobotics are pleased to announce the official release of the Joint Strategic ...

Building a network from the ground up: An interview with DIH-HERO

Robotics has the potential to revolutionise the field of healthcare. With people living longer than ever, ...

AI, Data and Robotics Partnership SRIDA information sessions

euRobotics, Big Data Value Association (BDVA), CLAIRE, ELLIS and EurAI have set up a joint website that ...

Breakfast Debate ‘Towards a European Partnership in AI, Data and Robotics’

euRobotics and BDVA organise in collaboration with K4I a breakfast debate at the European Parliament on 4 ...

Towards a European AI PPP: “Trust is Europe’s key strength in the international competition for AI, data and robotics”

20 September, Helsinki - euRobotics, the European Robotics Association, and BDVA, the Big Data Value ...

RODIN network brings together Robotics Digital Innovation Hubs in Europe

The RODIN (RObotics Digital Innovation Network) project is a pan-European network of networks aiming to ...

Event report: “Joining forces to boost AI adoption in Europe” – a Public Private Partnership in Artificial Intelligence

Europe is gearing up to launch an Artificial Intelligence Public Private Partnership (AI PPP) that brings together ...

euRobotics and BDVA publish a joint SRIDA for a European AI PPP

Joining Forces to Boost AI adoption in Europe: BDVA, the Big Data Value Association and euRobotics, the ...

Artificial Intelligence for Manufacturing Workshop

EFFRA, the European Commission, the Big Data Value association and euRobotics are co-organizing a ...