Sending in first expression for interest to host ERW2024 via form: before 1 January 2024
The purpose of this call is to identify euRobotics members who are willing to co-organise with euRobotics, the Central event, in direct response to the educational focus of the European Robotics Week. The Central Event of ERW2024 will act as the hub for all other events. The association is searching for committed organisers who can create a dynamic mixture of local events and workshops (delivered by scientists, labs, teachers, schools, robotics engineers, robot makers etc.), that allow euRobotics to engage effectively with the European public. We encourage all potential organisers to involve regionally relevant industries with a focus on robotics and think creatively about solutions to communicating the positive impact of robotics to the general public. ERW Central event should take place over 2-3 days during the ERW 2024, 15-24 November 2024.