euRobotics is a founding partner of ADRA, the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership. Previously, euRobotics participated in Horizon 2020 activities as part of the SPARC partnership.

European Commission

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Find out more about ADRA (AI, Data and Robotics Partnership) and SPARC (Previously, euRobotics participated in Horizon 2020 activities as part of the SPARC partnership)


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European Commission

The Commission’s work is steered by a College of Commissioners, and led by its President. The Commissioners work on specific policy priorities that are set out by the Commission President.

More information about EC can be found here

More information about events from the EC can be found here

More information about the latest news on the EC can be found here


euRobotics is pleased to announce excellent cooperations with the following partners:


CLAIRE and euRobotics are both founding associations of ADRA, the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership. The two organisations will also sign a Memorandum of Understanding on March 18, 2022.


CLAIRE seeks to strengthen European excellence in AI research and innovation. The network forms a pan-European Confederation of Laboratories for Artificial Intelligence Research in Europe. Its member groups and organisations are committed to working together towards realising the vision of CLAIRE: European excellence across all of AI, for all of Europe, with a human-centred focus.

More information can be found on the CLAIRE website.



BDVA and euRobotics are both founding associations of ADRA, the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership.

More information about BDVA can be found on its website:


ELLIS and euRobotics are both founding associations of ADRA, the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership.

More information about ELLIS can be found on its website:


EurAi and euRobotics are both founding associations of ADRA, the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership.

More information about EurAi can be found on its website:

About ADRA

euRobotics is a founding partner of ADRA, the AI, Data and Robotics Partnership. ADRA was formally created in May 2021 and is one of the European Partnerships in digital, industry and space in Horizon Europe. More will follow about euRobotics’ role in ADRA. Please visit again soon.





Previously, euRobotics participated in Horizon 2020 activities as part of the SPARC partnership. This page explains the importance of robotics and the work of SPARC, which is useful background reading for anyone with an interest in the work of euRobotics in partnership with the European Commission prior to the creation of ADRA.




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