Latest news on ERF2025
When ERF is wrapped up for another year the next one seems like a long way away – but it never is. And once the calendar page turns to January, the clock ticks ever faster. Now, you can count the number of weeks before ERF 2025 on one set of fingers and thumbs. Stuttgart’s getting closer.
If you’ve registered for ERF 2025 already, we commend you for your forward planning! If not, there’s still time to take advantage of the Early Bird registration. Register before midnight on Sunday 26 January and you can take advantage of the lowest rates. That means complimentary tickets for euRobotics members with a ticket code – you’ll need that code, otherwise the price for members is € 462, and more for non-members (see ERF2025 – Registration rates for full details. And from 27 January the rates will rise. So don’t delay, register today – or at the latest by 26 January – if you want to get the best deal.
The ERF 2025 workshop and activity programme is coming together well. Many of the workshops have been finalised and details are already available. Several site visits have been arranged, too. For the latest picture of what you can look forward to this year at ERF in Stuttgart, check it all out at erf2025