For anyone with a busy work schedule and a never-ending focus on getting things done, there isn’t much time in the week to pause and reflect on processes and priorities. Wherever we work, we all know that when the pressure is on, our workload can sometimes seem like an impenetrable rockface, with no way though it but to keep climbing until we’re finally on top of it (because we will reach the summit eventually – won’t we…?). Happily, the euRobotics Office team have managed to fix some crampons in the rockface and climbed to higher ground to take a better look at the peaks in their own workload. Armed with Miro boards and a willingness to re-appraise what’s important, urgent or essential, the Office team devote a few hours regularly to share ideas and practices that could help save precious time for the real priorities.
If it adds value, let’s focus on it. If it doesn’t, why do it at all? With questions like these, the team look for ways to make small, incremental improvements. They call this activity the Pegasus project, after the winged horse from Greek mythology. Pegasus is supposed to symbolise high-flying imagination, which sounds rather ambitious. The Office team are much more down-to-earth about it – they are happy simply to discover ways to simplify some of the more time-consuming work processes and free up a little time for more valuable tasks. Anyway, that’s enough about Pegasus. Time flies…