First launched last year, the euRobotics online Community Platform has undergone a refresh. The Platform now offers some new features including the possibility of posting job vacancies. A gamification element has been added to encourage contributors to stay active on the Platform and use it both to launch new discussions and to contribute to existing ones. There’s a new layout, with an extra focus on trending content and discussions, and an overview of the latest members to join the Platform. Meanwhile, outdated information has been removed. Existing Platform members have been directly notified about the changes. Project officer Inge Rehorst masterminded the initial launch of the platform and carried out the refresh. She made this appeal: “When we launched the Community Platform we added everyone within the euRobotics community to it, but you will need to approve the member request so that you are validated to access and contribute to the Platform. If you don’t think you had that email, please contact me and I will set you up on the Platform. Finally, the Platform is for everyone to use. Please add your content, start discussions or comment on existing threads. The more you contribute, the better the Platform will be for everyone.”