Next March brings euRobotics members’ annual date with democracy – and with it the chance to stand potentially as a member of the association’s Board of Directors. You have until the end of January to decide if this is something you’d like to pursue. Here’s a little more about it, plus a link to the full story

Members of euRobotics are invited to attend the euRobotics General Assembly (GA) in Stuttgart, Germany on 24 March 2025. The GA will be held just ahead of the start of the next European Robotics Forum, which takes place 25-27 March. Registration for the GA will be separate from ERF registration and is free of charge for Member representatives. During the GA, elections to the Board will take place. For this, euRobotics is seeking members willing to stand as candidates and, if successful, to contribute to shaping the future of euRobotics and the European robotics sector. The association aims to achieve a good balance of gender representation on the Board, and we warmly welcome women members to enter the election as candidates. Follow this link for full background on the GA, the work of the Board of Directors and access to the application form for candidates.