Elisabeth Schärtl is part of the latest intake of euRobotics members who were elected to the BoD last month in Rimini. Elisabeth is already a familiar face to the euRobotics Office team since she has been contributing to the work of a project team known as Pegasus, which looks for ways to improve the way the Association runs. In order to introduce Elisabeth to the wider euRobotics membership via the newsletter, here we reproduce key points from her introductory BoD candidate statement: 

As Director, I consider the most important tasks for euRobotics to be: 

  • Shaping an ecosystem so that European Robotics can stay competitive. 
  • Growing innovative and realistic partnerships between SMEs and Academia with my experience in automation. 
  • Supporting entrepreneurial behaviours with my expertise in business development. 
  • Connecting the mindset of AI-driven software development with robotics to create cyber-physical systems based on my experience of the last few years. 
  • Working with euRobotics on future strategy → how we as an organisation can strengthen the footprint of European Robotics. 

So who is Elisabeth Schärtl? Here’s a brief CV: 

Currently I am with autonox Robotics, where I am responsible for the LINKED Partner program, a network focusing on connecting software and components with agnostic robot kinematics to create added value to the customer. 

Before this I was responsible for the automation branch and business development in a German-based AI-software start-up and SME. My job there was the automation of the manufacturing company (SME) and the implementation of new business concepts, strategy development and interaction with Investors and cooperation partners (both companies). 

In the beginning I worked for 13 years with a leading automation and robotic company, first running a business unit with global activities in automation renewable energy products. Afterwards I joined the innovation team and was responsible for disruptive innovation and the topic “manufacturing of the future”. 

I have a master’s degree (Dipl.-Ing.univ.) in mechanical engineering from the TU Munich and an MBA degree from the University of Augsburg and Pittsburgh. 

More about Elisabeth Schärtl on LinkedIN 

Next month we introduce another newly elected BoD member, Georg von Wichert.