AKR3: 1st International Workshop on Actionable Knowledge Representation for Robots: Call for Papers
How can robots be enabled to perform tasks flexibly and adaptively using common sense and task knowledge in every-day environments? This question lies at the heart of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KRR) in cognitive robotics. The path to answering it is lit by a focus on acquiring knowledge from the Web and making it actionable for robotic applications. In turn, this is the basis for the first International Workshop on Actionable Knowledge Representation for Robots (AKR3) which takes place in Crete, Greece at the end of May 2024. Papers are invited. Full details about the workshop, paper submission guidelines, publication and the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC24) within which the workshop takes place, are available via https://kr3-workshop.net/
Questions about submissions via email to Philipp Cimiano at cimiano@cit-ec.uni-bielefeld.de
The workshop is sponsored by the Joint Research Center on Cooperative and Cognition-enabled AI (CoAI JRC) (Co-AI).