The RODIN project has ended. Now euRobotics is working hard with other RODIN (RObotics Digital Innovation Network) project participants to ensure that its legacy will be sustained. Javier Luque, project manager at euRobotics explained: “The sustainability of the Rodin project is of the utmost importance. Therefore, euRobotics started the process of transitioning towards individual Innovation Networks. We have now signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with Innovation Actions (IA) in all strategic areas: inspection and maintenance, healthcare, agile manufacturing, and agriculture.”
The IA coordinators and future participants of the Innovation Networks held a kick-off meeting in Saclay, France on 7th November 2023. “We reached an agreement, identifying the participants, establishing a series of regular calls, and discussing the means of collaboration,” said Javier. “It was also proposed to discuss joint activities regarding the European Robotic Forum 2024 and explore the possibility of having a common booth.”
Participants of the Innovation Networks:
Name | Affiliation | Innovation Network |
Aksel Andreas Transeth | SINTEF | RIMA |
Thomas Vögele | German Research Centre for Artificial Inteligence | RIMA |
Ebert van Vonderen | Technical University of Kosice | RIMA |
Minna Lanz | Tampere University | TRINITY |
Sotiris Makris | LMS, University of Patras | TRINITY |
Françoise Siepel | University of Twente | DIH Hero |
Maren Bödding | University of Twente | DIH Hero |
Erik Pekkeriet | Wageningen University | AgROBOfood |
Nikica Marinkovic | BioSense Institute | AgROBOfood |
Jens Martinus Pedersen | DTI, University of Southern Denmark | AgROBOfood |
Dimitra Perperidou | AgroApps PC | AgROBOfood |
Jon Agirre | Tecnalia | euRobotics BoD |
Juha Röning | University of Oulu | euRobotics BoD |
Christophe Leroux | CEA | euRobotics BoD |
Nabil Belbachir | Norce | euRobotics BoD |
David Bisset | iTechnic | euRobotics BoD |
J. Ramiro Martínez de Dios | University of Seville | euRobotics BoD |
Reinhard Lafrenz | euRobotics office | euRobotics Office |
Javier Luque | euRobotics office | euRobotics Office |
A follow-up call in December considered: possible structures for the INs (whether as formal associations or more informal structures), membership and fees, links between the INs and the Topic Groups, events and webinars and future contact.